Automobili (i sve oko toga...)
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Automobili (i sve oko toga...)

24.11.2024 | 12:20
Ovaj vikend se u Japanu vozila zadnja utrka WRC sezone i Thierry Neuville je napokon osvojio naslov prvaka u WRC-u

Kratki osvrt od 6 minuta na Neuvilleve uspone i padove.
24.11.2024 | 19:19

I gotovo uvijek uzbudljivije od F1!
24.11.2024 | 21:00
I šahovski komentar je uzbudljiviji od F1.
24.11.2024 | 22:52
smayoo kaže:
I šahovski komentar je uzbudljiviji od F1.

Usput, F1 je ko Jaguar, ode uskoro u maunu
25.11.2024 | 07:01
Neće nikada (neće nikaada)

Za sada, barem prema javno dostupnim podacima, ide se u smjeru "renewable fuels", ali ostaju motori s unutarnjim sagorijevanjem. I sada se toči mješavina benzina i renewable fuels, mislim da je 95-5 ili tako što.

Formula E je druga priča. a i nejde im baš dobro.

Evo jedan video za smajudina, bavi se problematikom samovozećih automobila i gužvi

25.11.2024 | 09:02
dpasaric kaže:
OK, kako komentirate rebranding Jaguara?

Mislim da je to sada R.I.P. Jaguar, kao da namjerno jure u bankrot, da su u Hrvatskoj pomislio bih da netko namjerno uništava tvrtku da je može kupiti za 1 euro.

Imam dva komentara - prvi je da sam pristup izgleda toliko glup da mi se čini da namjerno pokušavaju zamutiti vodu da bi potom rekli "aha, jesmo vas" i potom predstaviti npr. totalno odličan XJ ili E-type uz notu nostalgije Malo vjerojatno, ali ipak se nadam da nisu TOLIKO glupi da idu double-down u ovo.

Drugi komentar se odnosi na tržišno pozicioniranje kao high-end brand. S time nemam problema. Jaguar do 1999. godine ni nije imao nikakve aute osim u segmentu S-klase i SL-style coupe/cabrio. S-type, X-type, XE, XF, F-pace, E-pace sve su proizvodi 21. stoljeća. Povratak na manju proizvodnju u profitabilnijem dijelu tržišta je nešto skroz razumno. Lakše ćeš prodati auto za 150k$, ako tvoj susjed ne vozi isti brand za 40k$. Ali za to ti treba heritage kojeg ne smiješ uništiti na ovaj način.
25.11.2024 | 12:11
kupus kaže:
Evo jedan video za smajudina, bavi se problematikom samovozećih automobila i gužvi

Hvala ti što misliš na mene, ali evo, već sam ne znam koliko puta tu napisao da ne gledam ta youtube videa jer mi je život prekratak. 90% vremena (a ovaj traje 55 minuta) je laprdanje u prazno, ponavljanje već rečenog i slično, da se napumpa minutaža. Ako slučajno znaš za neki NAPISAN članak, zainteresiran sam. Naime, još sam u djetinjstvu savladao brzo čitanje i sposoban sam "cut through the bullshit" u napisanom tekstu, ali u videu to, nažalost, ne mogu.
25.11.2024 | 12:32
smayoo kaže:
kupus kaže:
Evo jedan video za smajudina, bavi se problematikom samovozećih automobila i gužvi

Hvala ti što misliš na mene, ali evo, već sam ne znam koliko puta tu napisao da ne gledam ta youtube videa jer mi je život prekratak. 90% vremena (a ovaj traje 55 minuta) je laprdanje u prazno, ponavljanje već rečenog i slično, da se napumpa minutaža. Ako slučajno znaš za neki NAPISAN članak, zainteresiran sam. Naime, još sam u djetinjstvu savladao brzo čitanje i sposoban sam "cut through the bullshit" u napisanom tekstu, ali u videu to, nažalost, ne mogu.

Znao sam da će ići taj odgovor, već sam se pripremio.

00:00:00 a lot has been said about the future of self-driving cars some people take a very negative position claiming that autonomous vehicles are a pipe dream and will never become a reality they're just another example of the overhyped nonsense that's typical of tech companies these days and that may be true but in several US cities today you can literally open an app select your destination and a car with nobody in it will pick you up and drive you there automatically so self driving cars are here today which leads to the other kind

00:00:34 of commentary I often see online that self-driving cars are real they will be coming to more cities soon and they will solve all of our transportation problems they'll make the road safer they'll eliminate traffic congestion they'll be environmentally friendly they'll provide Mobility to everyone and our cities will be better than ever I actually disagree with both of these positions which is why I wanted to make this video because I do believe that self-driving cars are real and they will be in every city in

00:01:02 the near future the technology is getting better every day and if these improvements continue on this track they will fundamentally destroy the fabric of our cities there is a cautious optimism among many urbanists about self-driving cars after all the majority of problems within cities are caused by cars traffic pollution noise dangerous streets and there never seems to be enough space available for sidewalks bike Lanes Parks or anything else because it's all been turned into wide roads and parking lots

00:01:40 anybody who has tried to get around without a car in a car Centric City knows that human drivers can be really scary especially when they're speeding or driving distracted which happens way too often so having cars driven by computers can't possibly be worse than what we have now right and it is possible that with the right incentives and regulations that could be our future but given the course we're on I believe that future is increasingly unlikely especially when you consider the history of how automobiles destroyed cities in

00:02:12 the 20th century but also the effects of money and capital it's estimated that over $60 billion has already been invested into the development of autonomous vehicles so there is a lot of money riding on this technology and therefore a lot of pressure to get self-driving cars to Market as soon as possible when people see these vehicles cruising around the Streets of San Francisco They Might believe that this technology is right around the corner you can go there right now and see them dropping off passengers

00:02:45 they follow the speed limit and appear to drive cautiously and it's amazing to see that there's nobody in the driver's seat but that doesn't mean they're always driven by computer as of last November Crews confirmed that their Robo taxis were required Human Assistance every 4 to 5 miles I don't know how often this is needed today but you don't have to watch these cars for very long to see that humans definitely still need to take remote control sometimes this stupid Robo taxi got stuck behind a

00:03:14 construction toilet trailer until someone in the call center could steer it around this one sat here for several light cycles because it didn't think it could turn right the drivers behind it eventually gave up waiting and just drove around now you might be wondering about these remote assistant agents who take control who are these people where are they located how much are they paid what are the working conditions like but never mind all that it's a technological Miracle okay just shut up and get in the

00:03:43 car now of course this technology will inevitably get better but nobody knows how long it will take to sort out the long tale of rare occurrences that a self-driving car will encounter in a busy City and as any experienced product manager will tell you the first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time and the last 10% of the project will take the other 90% the technology is Advanced but fundamentally self-driving cars are stupid they're mindless they make a bunch of dumb mistakes recently in this

00:04:16 parking lot for self-driving cars whmo vehicles started driving in circles and randomly honking at each [Music] other this happened for days and this particular video was taken at 4:00 a.m. the people who live next door were not impressed there have been dozens of official reports of driverless cars getting in the way of rescue operations from blocking ambulances to crashing into fir trucks but it gets worse last October a woman was hit by a car in San Francisco driven by a human driver and knocked into the path of a Cruz Robo

00:04:55 taxi Cruz said the vehicle quote break aggressively to minimize impact and while the robo taxi couldn't stop fast enough to avoid hitting the woman it still reacted faster than any human could so that's a win for self-driving cars right except that the woman then fell under the car so as far as the robo taxi was concerned she was gone so it continued to drive dragging her underneath a key detail that Crews initially tried to hide from the press and Regulators it's a first for police and fire departments involving a driver car

00:05:31 the victim was found to be under the left rear wheel of the vehicle thankfully the woman survived and cruise cars were taken off the roads but this is a scary example of how these cars will make new mistakes that we haven't even considered yet they are not intelligent they don't even have the object permanence of a toddler but that hasn't stopped them from being beta tested on public roads and the citizens of these cities did not agree to this several groups in California have protested against being the involuntary

00:06:02 test subjects of multi-billion dollar tech companies and a wh Mo car was even set on fire earlier this year self-driving cars have caused a lot of problems in San Francisco wayo cars in San Francisco reportedly caused a big traffic jam just as Baseball fans were leaving Oracle Park Monday afternoon a KTVU viewers shared this video you're looking at showing two self-driving cars stopped in in the middle of the Embark of daral the advocacy group safe Street Rebel has published video evidence of self-driving cars running red lights

00:06:38 cutting off drivers cutting off pedestrians clogging up intersections blocking streets blocking public transit parking in bike lanes and uh what the hell is this car doing to that old woman so the idea that these cars will always obey the rules of the road is a fantasy safe Street Rebel ALS also organizes events like the week of cone since self-driving cars are programmed to avoid traffic cones at all costs one of the best way to incapacitate one is to put a traffic cone on its Hood this is called coning and it's [ __ ]

00:07:14 hilarious I'm sure these Mega corporations will Lobby to make this a criminal offense so do it now while you still can safe Street Rebel does a lot of great advocacy work that goes beyond reigning in tech companies so definitely check them out if you live in or near near San Francisco I'll leave a link in the description these protests may slow adoption but let's face it there is no way in hell we're going to stop these things from coming to our cities when there are hundreds of billions of dollars on the line and to be clear most

00:07:46 of these incidents would not have even happened if the self-driving car companies still had Safety Drivers like they used to but they're under so much pressure to deliver that they'd rather [ __ ] up the city and even potentially kill people rather than to admit that the technology isn't ready yet tech companies proudly say that they move fast and break things and maybe that broken thing will be your spine under a robo taxi but that's a risk they're willing to take self-driving car companies have already lobbied

00:08:18 politicians to allow them to operate based only on self-certification and they've successfully stopped laws that require them to report extensive safety data recent L California passed a bill that says police can't even ticket self-driving car companies when their cars violate traffic laws it may be that eventually on average self-driving cars will be safer than human drivers in the future but it is incredibly naive to believe that they will not introduce new safety problems of their own a self-driving car will try

00:08:52 to avoid hitting people and objects and there are dozens of sensors to make sure that doesn't happen but these sensors are not infallible and they require interpretation by software it's important for self-driving cars not to crash into things that are there but it's also important that they don't stop for things that aren't like this Tesla in self-driving mode that suddenly came to a stop on the highway and caused an8 car pile up you don't want a self-driving car to stop just because there's a bit of garbage blown

00:09:22 onto the road or it detect something that won't cross the path of the vehicle anyway so the software needs to evaluate object that it detects the first person to ever be killed by a self-driving car was a woman in Tempe Arizona in 2018 she was crossing this road at night while pushing a bicycle and was hit by a modified Volvo SUV driven autonomously by the automated driving system developed by Uber so why didn't all of this advanced technology prevent killing her it's not that the car didn't detect

00:09:57 her it's just that it didn't think she was anything worth stopping for the crash report from the NTSB provides a detailed explanation the car flipped between identifying her as a vehicle to a bicycle to a general other category sometimes it detected her as being in another Lane and other times as a static object that wasn't moving the software didn't consider her to be an important object that was going to cross the path of the SUV until 1.2 seconds before the crash when it was too late to stop without killing her so when a

00:10:29 self-driving car car starts driving towards you you better hope it hasn't detected you as other but all this talk about sensors and self-driving obus skates the real root cause of this crash which is the atrocious state of American traffic engineering this area is designed like a freeway with a high speed limit and almost no accommodations for people walking despite being directly between a rail station and hiking trails at the time of the crash the median had a paved Road way designed only to be used by

00:11:01 cars if one of the bridges was closed but it clearly looked like a walking path and it was regularly used by people crossing this road instead of any actual pedestrian infrastructure the city just put up these used crosswalk signs that are still there today it's disgraceful that Traffic Engineers put up these signs in a natural place where people would want to cross the road instead of you know actually building a crosswalk here but what's worse is that in 2018 it wasn't even physically possible to walk

00:11:32 to the crosswalk because of the trees and Greenery that had been planted here since the crash the solution has been to turn the brick roadway into a rough Stone path that is hostile to pedestrians but they've now cut a hole through the cacti so that it is at least theoretically possible to reach the crosswalk now though you still have to walk over 200 M out of your way plus the time it takes to wait for your turn to cross this highway American traffic engine Engineers routinely bend over backwards to make driving as convenient

00:12:04 as possible while making these places actively hostile to pedestrians than blame the pedestrians when they're hit by a car in the US around 42,000 people are killed in car crashes every year and hundreds of thousands are seriously injured sometimes with debilitating injuries that will affect them for the rest of their lives so it's not surprising that the most prominent feature promised by these American self-driving cars companies is safety but the US also has some of the most dangerous roads in the developed world

00:12:37 the most deadly kind of Road in the US is the Strode a road designed for high-speed travel that also tries to act as a destination strods are rare in other countries especially inside of cities but they are all over the US and Canada the nonprofit organization strong towns has been warning about the dangers of this kind of Road design for over a decade and I have a previous video about strods if you'd like to learn more there has been Decades of research into road safety and we know how to make the road

00:13:07 safer such as the vision zero method developed in Sweden in the 1990s in fact if the US had roads as safe as seden they would cut their Road fatalities by over 80% without any new technology at all but many of these design changes require slowing or restricting cars and that's a step too far for for the US there's no money to be made in making the street safer so the only solution to the dangers caused by the old cars has to be buying new cars self-driving car companies do not care about Road Safety

00:13:43 they care about selling cars and Technology they care about safety in so much as it allows them to sell cars the moment they can convince Regulators in the general public that their cars are safe enough they will stop caring about safety so you can expect the messaging to pretty quickly go from preventing Road deaths to being yeah sure they kill people but our marketing department says it's less often than human drivers would so it's fine and even if they are safer than American drivers on American roads

00:14:14 the rest of the world is going to get these cars whether we want them or not and that's an interesting thing to consider because right now these vehicles are being trained in some of the most car Centric places on Earth the first locations were UND notably chosen because they have very good weather but I guarantee you that Phoenix Arizona was also a top choice because it is literally like driving on easy mode the roads are insanely wide there are almost no restrictions on where cars can go it's made up of square grid blocks a

00:14:47 mile on each side and pretty much everybody drives everywhere all the time already to say that Phoenix is car dependent is a massive understatement if anthropomorphic cars could design cities they would design Phoenix it's also one of the most dangerous places for pedestrians in the entire developed world but don't worry about that self-driving cars will fix everything San Francisco is certainly more urban there are people who walk and cycle and there are public transit Vehicles as well but I've lived in the

00:15:20 Bay Area and I can tell you that even San Francisco is pretty car-centric and carf friendly compared to most cities in Europe which I think is going to be a problem when this technology is rolled out internationally these cars are trained to drive like Americans on American roads where cars are considered Superior and above all other forms of transportation have you seen an American when they try to drive in Europe for the first time it's not pretty of course these tech companies could spend years

00:15:49 retraining their vehicles to drive like Europeans on European streets but you and I both know that's not going to happen they're going to set American trained cars loose on Europe European streets I hope I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if European cities are pressured to americanize their streets to make them more self-driving friendly which brings us to another potential issue with these cars they are not so much programmed as they are trained they learned how to drive by monitoring what

00:16:18 real human drivers did through millions of miles of driving so let's say that in the future a city wants to change the way their streets work to improve safety to speed up public transit or to make more room for walking and cycling whatever it won't be enough to just put up a sign and update the rules of the road governments will need to convince every self-driving car company to retrain their cars and given that these are multi-billion dollar International corporations with an army of lobbyists

00:16:45 How likely do you think it is that those changes will go through this could result in our cities getting locked into to what they are today with any new changes being dictated by car companies which I guarantee you is not going to favor anything that results in fewer cars of course there are a lot of problems with our current transportation system but I am skeptical that self-driving cars will truly solve any of them because apart from the supposed safety claims when you boil it down self-driving cars are really just

00:17:17 promising to be cheaper taxis yeah they're not driven by a human or at least not driven by a human who is currently in the car with you but otherwise they're just cheaper taxis right like do you seriously believe that all of our Urban transportation problems would be solved tomorrow if only taxis were cheaper and I'm even skeptical about the cheaper part we saw this happened with Uber and Lyft when app requested taxi sorry I mean ride sharing was introduced Uber was cheap that is when the venture capitalist money was

00:17:46 flowing in fact it was so cheap that several cities in the US reduced investment in public transit in favor of subsidizing ride share rides and it worked for a while but taking an Uber isn't cheap anymore and I'll leave a link to this great article with an analysis of why those price increases can't be explained by an increase in costs ride share legislation or inflation they raised prices because the owners and investors of those companies wanted a big return on their Investments the exact same thing is playing out now

00:18:19 with self-driving cars hundreds of billions of venture capital are flowing into the development of autonomous vehicles and companies like wh are using that money to make the robo taxi rides price competitive to traditional taxis and I I find it wild that people online will unironically say things like in the future AVS will be cheaper than taxis because there's no driver to pay like do you honestly believe that the prices that companies charge are based on what they cost to deliver of course they aren't they charge as much as

00:18:52 possible to maximize profits and once they've eliminated or colluded with the competition they can charge whatever they want and I shouldn't even need to say this but turning your transportation system over to a handful of multi-billion dollar corporations does not result in good outcomes for anybody except the owners of those corporations it's commonly claim that self-driving cars will reduce the amount of cars on the road and eliminate parking lots uh the idea is that you will be dropped off at the door by a

00:19:24 self-driving car and you won't need to park and that's true but you can literally do that today right you could just take a taxi to work every day instead of owning a car but very few people actually do this sure it's expensive to take taxis everywhere of course but even wealthy people don't do this because people just like owning their own stuff and being in their own car there's this vague promise that your car could earn extra money for you as a taxi while you're at work but how many people want their private car to end up

00:19:55 looking and smelling like the inside of a taxi so those cars are going to need to park somewhere and their owners will want them park nearby so that they don't take too long to arrive when they're ready to go and you can forget about ever charging for parking because if it's cheaper to just let your car cruise around the block while you're shopping or at work then that's what people will do another common claim is that these cars will allow Universal Mobility to everyone especially the disabled but

00:20:24 many people with disabilities require help from others to get in and out of a vehicle or to secure a wheel chair so an attendant will likely be needed on board anyway and given that you need a credit card and a modern smartphone to book a robo taxy this puts it Out Of Reach of many people sure the rich Boomer with a bad hip will be taken care of but they can already take a taxi today this is really just an extension of the often repeated myth that cars are the only transportation that works for disabled

00:20:52 people and that as long as you have cars disabled people are taken care of this is a great article by Disability Advocates about how self-driving cars are a distraction to the solutions that they actually need and I'll leave a link to it in the description but of all of the claims made by proponents of self-driving cars the one that I find most ridiculous is the idea that they will reduce traffic ingestion there is absolutely no reason to believe that this is true and lots of historical evidence to suggest that it

00:21:23 is not every single time that we have done anything to make Transportation cheaper or more convenient the inevitable outcome is that people travel more often and they travel longer distances there is Decades of well-documented evidence that every time we widen roads or build new highways it increases the amount of driving and I talked about that in more detail in my video about induced demand when Uber and Lyft came to cities they also claimed that they would reduce traffic congestion but the exact opposite

00:21:55 happened and vehicle miles traveled increased significantly this will only become worse with Robo taxis because people will take them even more often than they do Ubers today especially while they're heavily subsidized I've seen some people claim that Robo taxis will reduce the number of cars in cities because they will park in parking lots in the edge of town and only come in when they're requested but I don't believe that for a second because one of the major competitive factors between robotaxi companies is

00:22:23 going to be how quickly they can get to their customers consider how impatient people get while waiting for an elevator there is no way in hell that people in the future will want to wait 14 minutes for a robo taxi pickup which is why the self-driving car parking lots today are right in the heart of San Francisco but the future could be even worse there's no cost to driving around most cities gas taxes are usually the only thing that even comes close to a user fee for city streets but regardless the robo

00:22:55 taxi to the future will be electric and charged at private facilities as long as the roads are free to use there is zero incentive for these companies not to have Robo taxis constantly circling the block so that they can respond to customers as quickly as possible and when these cars are significantly less space efficient than buses or trams that alone will result in less space available in our cities but it gets worse consider today a Suburban parent who drops off one child at elementary school another at high school

00:23:27 and then drives to work with self-driving cars those kids will be sent in their own Robo taxis so that one car trip today will become three car trips in the future this is already happening in San Francisco and it will only get worse it's great for kids to have independent Mobility but we need to do that without just putting more cars on the road in an earlier video I talked about the problems that many European cities have already experienced after the introduction of 10-minute delivery services

00:23:59 and there are stories today from door Dash drivers who were called to pick up trivially small orders like a single tube of toothpaste as Robo taxis become cheaper and more convenient this is only going to become more common they're going to be delivering anything within a few minutes with a car for every delivery when cars became common people didn't need to live near their work anymore and cities started to sprawl as more car dependent suburbs were built on the periphery this resulted in huge volumes of traffic funneled into

00:24:31 arterial roads and highways because there were more cars driving longer distances self-driving cars will only make this worse when people are freed from having to pay attention to the road they'll be able to go through their emails or take conference calls from their autonomous vehicle so why live in a suburb at all why not live in a cottage in the middle of nowhere where land is plentiful and taxes are cheap this will result in an exponential increase in the amount of vehicle miles traveled with millions of cars driving

00:25:00 very long distances regularly and putting even more strain on our transportation system and it's going to make the existing problem of financing Suburban infrastructure even worse see my strongtown series to learn how suburbanization and car Centric development is literally bankrupting North American suburbs already but if you believe in the marketing of autonomous vehicles then this technology will advance exponentially Vehicles will communicate with each other to travel efficiently autonomous pods will merge

00:25:30 seamlessly onto highspeed self-driving highways for even higher throughput in speeds and vehicles will be more efficient than ever through platooning or whatever in this vision of the future the transportation problems of today will seem laughably archaic and we will achieve levels of efficiency we could only dream of here's a marketing video from Ford showing what they think the city of the future will be like look at all these problems with a modern city of course these problems were caused by

00:26:00 people using their cars in the first place but don't worry about that because buying their new cars will fix everything so it's fine look there are ebikes and Parks futuristic trains less parking people can cross the street wherever they want and Magic crosswalks will appear there are vacuum trains pedestrian plazas blue skies and lots of trees every single problem will be solved what's not to like but before we get too excited but our utopian self-driving future it's worth looking back at previous Promises of the

00:26:33 automobile industry at the 1939 New York World's Fair General Motors presented Futurama the high-tech city of the future in the year 1960 this exhibit was absolutely huge they had a ride that would take you over the city and even a life-size model of an urban neighborhood in Futurama car traffic would be elim elated completely with Advanced motorways these would be separated from all other traffic and allow cars to drive faster than ever before pedestrians would be able to comfortably walk through the city on

00:27:10 elevated walkways while car traffic was safely whisked away on the roads below but the reality was quite different the motorways promised by Futurama were built but they just induced demand for more driving and more car ownership which was the car industry's real purpose in the first place of course they wanted to sell more cars instead of being the salvation of the city elevated freeways divided and destroyed neighborhoods they flooded city streets with car traffic increased pollution and left municipalities with massive tax

00:27:45 burdens and maintenance liabilities to the point where many cities have spent billions to remove Urban freeways in an attempt to repair the damage there are many accounts online that show the destruction that happened to American cities because of car infrastructure and I'll leave some links in the description my point here is that new transportation technology can and will fundamentally change our cities especially if there's money to be made so we need to seriously consider how AVS could negatively affect cities so that

00:28:19 we can prepare for them today as AV technology improves it will start to arrive in personal vehicles just like with cars the first Mass adoption will happen in Suburbia especially in the US and Canada suburbanites spend too much time sitting in traffic as it is and it will allow those people to live even farther away from the city where property is even cheaper so it will definitely be worth the cost for any reasonably wealthy suburbanite and designing AVS for Suburban roads is a much easier problem

00:28:51 than for busy cities so they'll be faster to Market too AVS will be proven safer than human drivers so AV companies will Lobby to have AV only Lanes installed on highways and throughout the suburbs for those who can't afford their own autonomous vehicle Suburban municipalities will subsidize Robo taxis in place of public transit entire Suburban neighborhoods will be built that are only accessible by autonomous vehicle which has the added benefit of keeping any um undesirable people out this is the next logical step to the

00:29:25 gated communities that are already common across the US suburbs will rapidly expand to consume even more valuable land power lines water pipes sewage pipes and all other infrastructure will become even longer and more spread out but there will be so much money and debt flooding into suburbs on the promise of building the city of the future that nobody will stop to think about it and besides the bills to maintain it all are decades away in other words literally exactly what happened in the post-war suburbs of the

00:29:55 last century autonomous vehicle companies may be making record profits from suburbanites but the line must go up so they'll look towards the cities and their primary objective will be to eliminate the competition in the 1920s Los Angeles had the largest electric street car Network in the world but service declined significantly as the street cars got stuck in traffic behind cars and the street cars couldn't compete with a heavily subsidized Road and Highway System private street car companies were

00:30:27 bought out by national city lines a company that was financed by General Motors and related companies and was specifically founded with a goal of tearing upstreet car lines throughout the us because well-functioning public transit is a threat to car companies history is going to repeat itself here the companies who finance autonomous vehicles are going to do everything in their power to cancel Transit projects Lobby against funding for public transportation and replace public transit with their private Robo

00:30:58 tax there will be autonomous bus Concepts promised and some of these will go into operation to replace today's buses and TRS but the real money will be in private AVS and Robo taxis Robo taxis will be pitched as a more efficient form of transportation by offering door-to-door service and any train or Transit lines will be converted to AV Lanes but there's nothing more space efficient than a train this 18 Lane freeway in Toronto is over 100 m wide but it moves fewer people per day than this single subway line because trains

00:31:35 are so much more space efficient than cars in the early 1900s the Brooklyn Bridge in New York moved over 42,000 people per day but in the 1950s the trolleys were removed to make way for cars since then the Brooklyn Bridge has never moved more than 180,000 people per day well under half as many as when there was public transit the same thing is going to happen to our cities with AVS the decrease in space efficiency moving from shared transit to private transportation coupled with the massive increase in

00:32:12 demand for cheap subsidized AV rides will result in a massive increase in the number of vehicles in our cities AV companies will Lobby for some roads to be designated as autonomous only this will be pitched as a way to increase safety efficiency but the ultimate goal will be to eliminate public transit and human driving and get everybody to sign up to an AV subscription instead here's how a concept of this called Loop NYC was pitched by a New York engineering company a few years back in this video

00:32:45 they assigned certain streets in New York to be self-driving only they claim that this will be so much more efficient that other streets could be blocked off to cars completely and turned into a giant linear Park but but AV companies aren't going to be happy giving up any roads as their success is dependent on offering door-to-door service so AVS will be required to go everywhere they'll even argue that AVS should also be allowed in pedestrian areas because they're safer than human drivers and will offer an important

00:33:18 service for people with mobility issues when there's no price put on driving competing Robo taxis will Circle The Block in order to have the quickest response times private AVS will drive around automatically to get the cheapest parking rates while their owners are at work the parking lots that we were told would become obsolete will be converted to solar AV charging stations for both private AVS and Robo taxis and they'll jump between stations for whichever one has the cheapest prices so despite what

00:33:50 the car company propaganda might show you AVS are not going to let us replace roads and parking lots with Parks autonomous vehicle will demand even more space in our cities and they're going to get it the next problem will be pedestrians as AVS become more common people will realize they can cross the street wherever they want because AVS will always stop and there is no way that AV companies are going to put up with that they'll claim that people crossing the street are crippling the transportation system and they'll demand

00:34:22 that fences be put up along important streets and Roads Bamberg is a small town town in the US state of South Carolina like pretty much every American town they had a traditional Main Street but this Main Street also became the main Highway through town and all of that downtown activity and especially all those people crossing the street was interfering with the flow of car traffic so they decided to widen the street and install fences along the sidewalks to prevent people from Crossing mid block after

00:34:53 construction was done car traffic moved much more efficiently and with in a few years every single shop in downtown Bamberg went out of business and today it looks like a ghost town because believe it or not people don't enjoy being on a cramped sidewalk next to high-speed traffic this was a monumentally stupid idea of course but I bring this up because before the project the director of the Chamber of Commerce said that the project will quote be a major boost to the economy for the county and downtown

00:35:28 Bamberg there are a lot of people who genuinely believe that if car traffic moves more efficiently then businesses will Thrive when the exact opposite is true cars don't buy things people do so if you make a place inhospitable to people nobody will buy anything expect the same thing to happen with autonomous vehicles as the fences go up there'll be no reason for AVS to Drive slowly so they won't streets everywhere will be just like downtown Bamberg inhospitable places where people won't want to be and street life will

00:36:04 slowly die with public transit human drivers and pedestrians out of the way AV companies will demand an end to speed limits they'll argue that these restrictions designed for human drivers are Irrelevant for vehicles driven by a computer this will result in a huge increase in vehicle throughput and will be considered a tremendous success but when AVS are driven faster pedestrian and cyclist fatalities will increase AVS may have lightning fast reaction times but at high speed the laws of physics win every time now there

00:36:37 will be outcries when someone is killed and people will demand to slow down AVS to make them safer but history will repeat itself again today cars are a reality that we deal with just about everywhere but when automobiles were first introduced people did not want them in their cities cars were clogging up city streets and killing thousands of people people every year by the 1920s the general public was very anti-ar several cities had plans to require speed Governors on all cars entering the city and they introduced High fines for

00:37:09 Dangerous driving but the automobile industry was not about to go down without a fight they fought to get car-friendly politicians elected and voted down any anti-car legislation and did they do anything to make their cars less likely to kill people no of course not they invented and spent Millions promoting the concept of jaywalking to make it the fault of the victims for not looking where they were going this changed cities almost overnight streets went from being a common place for everyone to a place

00:37:41 exclusively for cars just a few decades later the JW walking of the 21st century will be the transponder that everyone will be required to wear when walking outside if they want to avoid being killed by a car when someone is hit by an AV people will ask well were they wearing their transponder and the News will report the victim was not wearing a lar reflector these faster cars will also create more pollution and noise cars are a major contributor to pollution within cities air quality will improve as cars transition to Electric

00:38:17 but electric cars will not solve this problem because a major source of local pollution from Cars comes from the erosion of the tires brakes asphalt and Road markings and all of these emissions increase as cars get heavier and drive at higher speeds cars also create a lot of noise pollution in cities and that is not just uncomfortable it literally creates a stress response that leads to physical problems and I've talked about that in a previous video there's a common belief that electric cars will solve this noise

00:38:49 problem but that's not really true because once a car goes above about 50 kmph the sound of the tires becomes louder than the sound of the engine and this gets worse as cars get heavier plus the faster the car goes the louder this noise becomes many cars in Oslo are electric but it's still very loud on this pedestrian bridge over the highway with all of the extra electronics and computers AVS will be heavier than today's cars and they're going to be driven faster too which will make the air toxic near autonomous

00:39:25 vehicle highways and the noise from the T on the road surface will be deafening making these areas uncomfortable and dangerous for anybody walking nearby eventually AVS will consume every Street in the city and push out every other form of transportation the final step will be to remove traffic lights about a decade ago I saw this video produced by the University of Texas at Austin they proposed a future protocol called aim that would provide autonomous intersection management for high-speed inter sections without traffic lights

00:40:00 this is the animation that made me really think twice about the future of self-driving cars because when I looked at it the first thing that crossed my mind was huh it would really suck to have to cross this intersection while walking or cycling of course there will be people who protest and complain they won't want their neighborhood being cut in half by an AV highway but we can't have these Lites denying us our transportation Utopia as a compromise we'll be promised pedestrian Bridges to keep neighborhoods

00:40:29 connected though due to cost cutting only a few of them will actually get built when highways came to New York City they completely destroyed some neighborhoods and separated others a handful of pedestrian Bridges like this one were built to reconnect neighborhoods these bridges are awful they require walking up long ramps they feel like dirty concrete trenches and they're really ugly the chain link fence separates you from the high-speed traffic below but the noise and pollution from Cars is unbearable these were clearly built to

00:41:03 benefit drivers by keeping pedestrians out of the way and not for the benefit of people walking in the AV City you won't be able to cross the street you'll need to go out of your way to the nearest pedestrian bridge walk up the ramp cross the bridge and walk back down to where you want to go all well enduring the deafening sound and toxic air of the high-speed traffic below this will be the city of the future streets that are completely consumed by autonomous vehicles intersections that are impossible to cross cities that are

00:41:38 carved up by self-driving expressways creating islands that are infeasible to leave on foot with air and noise pollution so bad it makes travel outside unbearable we'll have a transportation system that consists entirely of autonomous vehicles so that you won't be able to do anything go to work go to school even buy food for for your family without paying an AV company to get you there and once every other form of transportation is either eliminated or INF feasible the autonomous vehicle companies will ramp up prices they'll be

00:42:09 able to charge whatever they want because we'll have no Alternatives so what can we do about it well this brings me to my fundamental issue with the entire concept of self-driving cars I grew up in a car dependent city called London London Ontario Canada and despite its TS River Oxford Street and Covent Garden Market it's nothing like real London a a kind of fake London if you will when I arrive in Fake London by train I'm on the side of a high-speed stro across from a surface parking lot there isn't much

00:42:44 left of downtown and my only option to get anywhere is a taxi the city is very spread out and designed almost exclusively for cars bus service is highly unreliable and slow and there's no way I would feel safe enough to ride a bike here I have to drive pretty much everywhere to do pretty much anything which I got to say kind of sucks too many people drive really dangerously and there are regular news stories about people being killed in car crashes so when I'm sitting on a giant Strode stuck in traffic the idea of having the car

00:43:21 take care of all this boring dangerous driving seems pretty great but then I think about about utre utre is a city in the middle of the Netherlands and I have to go there fairly regularly for one reason or another the population of UT is very similar to that of fake London but otherwise these cities are very very different so you're probably thinking that it's almost comical to compare UT to London right I mean it seems ridiculous because these cities have almost nothing in common and yet 100 years ago they were pretty similar sure

00:43:57 the architecture was different but the fundamental design of the city was pretty comparable both were compact walkable cities full of mixed use neighborhoods and connected by street cars because both cities were founded long before automobiles were invented over the 20th century both cities embraced the automobile and both cities built wide roads and highways utre filled in a canal in their city center and turned it into a highway and London bulldozed a neighborhood to build a wide Road straight into downtown UT and

00:44:29 London both even bulldozed part of their City Center to build a Suburban style shopping mall and these malls were both the first of their kind in their respective countries utre was about a decade behind London but otherwise these cities were on exactly the same path that is until about the 1990s when utre decided to change course due to Growing concerns about the negative impact of car Centric development they made a fund FAL decision to make the city friendlier to people walking and cycling to reduce

00:45:02 car traffic and to create better public spaces the highway around the city center was turned back into a canal you'd never know that this used to be a highway and today that downtown shopping center is connected directly to a new train station via a pedestrianized area and closely integrated with the rest of the city on the other side it's such an incredible difference to arrive in this place by train compared to fake London despite having almost the same population as my hometown it hosts the busiest train station in the

00:45:40 Netherlands transporting over 200,000 people per day with over a th000 daily departures on National and international trains there are hundreds of destinations within walking distance of the station and there are great connections to other forms of public transit including this new tram system underneath the station is the world's largest bicycle parking garage with spaces for over 12,000 bicycles and I can pick up one of the hundreds of rental bicycles using my Transit card and cycle to any destination I can cycle anywhere I want

00:46:17 quickly and easily and because of the highquality infrastructure I never feel unsafe it also helps that car volumes are low and so are the speed limits near the train station is this street accessible only to walking cycling and public transit this is one of the busiest cycling pass in the world and I probably see more people cycling in 5 minutes here than I have in my entire life in Fake London walking around the city is also convenient and comfortable the streets are lined with interesting shops and

00:46:50 restaurants and there isn't a surface parking lot in sight anymore there are many nice residential neighborhoods and it's remarkably quiet too because as I've realized over the years cities aren't loud cars are loud I don't feel unsafe walking and cycling here so the safety Promises of autonomous vehicles don't really seem to matter much there isn't a lot of traffic because there are viable alternatives to driving people aren't forced to drive here so the only people in cars are those who need to

00:47:20 drive or those who really want to drive self-driving cars are supposed to provide Mobility to children the disabled and the elderly and yet I see all of those people getting around just fine in usak because universal access to Mobility isn't a fundamental issue it's a problem caused by car dependency would this guy be better off in a self-driving car maybe I didn't ask him but it's not like he's unable to get around independently here like would be the case where I'm from now utre isn't perfect and the city still shows the

00:47:56 scars of that 1960s car Centric development but it also just doesn't have most of the problems that autonomous vehicles are supposed to solve and yet they did it without any advanced technology without spending hundreds of billions of dollars and without letting their City be controlled by the whims of multi-billion dollar corporations either if everybody here was in self-driving cars this place would be much much worse so it's seems what we really need is not driverless cars it's carless drivers I think UT and cities like it

00:48:35 can provide a template for what we should be doing to prepare for self-driving cars we need to limit where cars can go and that includes autonomous vehicles UT has many places that are off limits to cars but Motor Vehicles are still extremely useful sometimes so access is still provided for delivery trucks emergency vehicles and people with disabilities we need fewer cars in cities so we should definitely tear down Urban freeways that divide neighborhoods and turn the space into Parks shops and

00:49:09 houses cars should go around cities and not through them we should make it impossible to drive through the middle of the City by car the most direct route should only be accessible by walking cycling in public transit enforced by modal filters we also need to lower speed limits now to make make the street safer today but also to reduce noise and pollution lowering speed limits can sometimes be controversial but after it's done there is nearly Universal support to keep them low so let's do it now before AVS take a foothold we need

00:49:43 to remove parking especially surface parking lots we're never going to be able to charge for parking once cars can drive themselves so let's start removing parking spaces now and turn them into something more useful and let's stop building any new parking garages too after all they tell us they won't even be necessary once we have autonomous vehicles right so let's not build them at all instead let's build more mixed use walkable neighborhoods so that the places where people live work and Shop are closer together making it easy to

00:50:14 get where you're going without needing a car at all and safe sidewalks and bike Lanes should be part of the standard Street design guidelines so they're built automatically with every new construction we need to invest in functional and viable public transit especially infrastructure that is difficult to remove history has shown us that bus routes will get overrun by cars so we need more trams and trains and a lot more dedicated Transit lanes and we have to ensure that public transit remains under Democratic control so that

00:50:46 it can never be captured by private corporations and most importantly of all and I cannot stress this enough we need to put a price on driving we we absolutely must keep AVS from circling around and clogging up our streets the gas tax is going away as cars transition to Electric anyway so let's replace it with something better cars should be charged based on how much they drive but also when they drive to with a higher price during periods of peak congestion if we do all of these things to fortify our cities then we might just

00:51:22 be ready for the onslaught of autonomous vehicles then we can allow AV into the city on our terms to provide transportation where it's genuinely needed not just where it profits tech companies the most and if the naysayers are correct that self-driving cars really are just a pipe dream and they never reach Mass adoption then I guess we'll do all that work and just be left with beautiful functional efficient and sustainable cities accessible to all and that might just be the best outcome if you'd like to learn more

00:51:55 about great cities or just want more urbanist content there are lots of relevant videos here on not just bikes but I can also recommend several other channels such as City beautiful City nerd and RM Transit like the city Beautiful video how to remove a highway about the strategies that several cities have used to remove Urban freeways and the absolute best place to watch all of those channels is on our streaming service nebula nebula is the fastest growing independent streaming service on the Internet it's got thousands of

00:52:26 unique interesting and thoughtful videos from hundreds of talented creators think of it like Netflix but for people who love trains on nebula you can watch all of my videos early before they're available on YouTube and without any ads or sponsorship messages nebula also produces exclusive content that's not available anywhere else like the highly entertaining series The Getaway or Abigail Thorne's latest film Dracula's ex-girlfriend my favorite part about nebula though is that it's owned and operated by creat creators including me

00:52:59 so it's designed to benefit creators and their fans Not advertisers Venture capitalists or media conglomerates nebula allows creators like me to tell better stories and with better production values taking creators to the next level is what nebula is all about there is no way I could have afforded to make this video with custom 3D animations and highquality video footage on location without the support I get from nebula so if you want a streaming service with lots of original highquality videos that's also dedicated

00:53:32 to creators to make great content we never could have made before then sign up to nebula a yearly subscription to nebula is $60 but if you sign up at go. video nebula now has guest passes every nebula user gets one guest pass per month to share so that anybody you want can get a week of free nebula access just click the blue balloon in the nebula interface to get started if one week isn't enough then you can buy an annual nebula gift card for friends family or even yourself and my Dutch viewers will be glad to hear that you

00:54:18 can buy them with ideal to get access to nebula without a credit card so check out nebula at go. or follow the link in the description to sign up to nebula and support a Creator owned streaming service dedicated to making independent creators the best that they can be

Alat ->
25.11.2024 | 13:06
Čovjek se bavi (jako detaljno) problemima koji postoje DANAS, a 99% ih više neće postojati kad sva (ili skoro sva) vozila u gradovima budu autonomna, robotizirana i najvažnije - međusobno komunikacijski povezana na način kako ljudi-vozači nikad ne bi mogli biti. I o tome sam već pisao najmanje 10 puta, samo jbg. Pisao sam. Nisam snimio video. Nemam potrebu sad iznova komentirati sve što je čovjek rekao, rečenicu po rečenicu, jer nije rekao ništa što "mrzitelji" autonomne vožnje (i električnih auta) ovdje na Jabučnjaku - već ranije nisu i što nismo već ranije raspravljali i komentirali.
U prometnom scenariju u kojem su gotovo sva vozila autonomna, robotizirana i komunikacijski povezana - svaki neočekivani problem - ostaje neočekivan samo toliko dugo dok ga prvi robocar koji je na njega naišao - ne obradi. I onda više nije neočekivan, svi znaju za njega i prilagođavaju se automatski.
25.11.2024 | 13:37
Nije baš tako. Kaže kako je i sam mislio da će se problem prometa u gradu riješiti autonomnim električnim vozilima, ali je proučvanjem problema shvatio da će se problem samo nastaviti. Kad konačno dođu AEV, majka će svoje dvoje djece slati u školu posebnim vozilima, tako da na ulici neće biti jedan već dva vozila. AEV će moći "upravljati" svatko, tako da obitelj neće imati 1-2 vozila već barem 3 ili više. Također, gradovi će se graditi oko tih vozila, što će samo nastaviti problem izbacivanja pješaka. Zaključuje kako je potrebno mijenjat koncepciju ulica i gradova, te kao primjere navodi gradove u Nizozemskoj. Čovjek je pisao rad o tome na faksu, nije ni video loš za pogledat. Nema fillera, ali navodi povijesne primjere.
25.11.2024 | 14:20
To je jedno moguće viđenje budućnosti s kojim se ja ne slažem. Ključna razlika je upravo u tome što ti više nije potreba imati vozilo u vlasništvu da bi ti bilo na raspolaganju uvijek. Ključna razlika je ta što taxi više neće biti ni približno tako skup jer više nema vozača koji mora u njemu zaraditi svoju plaću. Da, robotaxija će biti puno puno više, nego je danas normalnih, ali auta u privatnom vlasništvu će biti puno puno manje jer će se bolje isplatiti plaćati robotaxi.
25.11.2024 | 14:45
Ja se bojim da ce to opet zavrsiti naopako kao i sam koncept elektricnih vozila koji je zavrsio na teskim SUV modelima. Sve se svodi na to sto "trziste trazi", a bojim se da trziste trazi upravo ovo sto je kupus opisao. Ljudi zele IMATI. Specificnost Irske je sto dugo nisu imali i sada svatko voli i zeli imati svoj automobil, zivim u mjestu od 25.000 stanovnika, pjeske ga s jednog na drugi kraj predjes u 40tak minuta, i dok svi stoje u koloni na cesti da bi se vozili 5 minuta do centtra je sam jedan od rijetkih koji hoda ili vozi bicikl.
Nitko ne trazi autonomne robotaksije.
  • Air
  • Korisnik
  • 70
25.11.2024 | 15:37
smayoo kaže:
Ključna razlika je ta što taxi više neće biti ni približno tako skup jer više nema vozača koji mora u njemu zaraditi svoju plaću.

Sve dok uzgajamo kapitalističku svijest, imati više, ovo se ne može desiti.

Primjer je cijena goriva u odnosu na barel nafte.
Cijene barela sirove nafte su prije cca 15 godina otišle u nebo pa je logično i cijena goriva otišla u nebo. Cijena nafte se nakon toga spustila ali cijena goriva nije.

Kapital NE odustaje od svoje što veće zarade - to je njegova bit.

Kada dođu robotaksiji vlasnici će biti iz razreda krupnog kapitala. Više neće biti malih privatnika kojim nije mega napeto da svake godine ostvari povećanje dobiti za 30-40 posto kako što je u svim današnjim većim firmama. Vlasnici robotaksija iz razreda krupnog kapitala zasigurno se neće odreći kolača kakav im se nudi sa današnjim cijenama.
Samo će izgurati postojeće manje ribice i kada ostvare monopol uživati će u punjenju svoje kasice prasice.
26.11.2024 | 00:17
Ako ovako (isječak iz filma je ispod) izgleda budućnost autonomnih vozila, onda ne znam čemu se veselite

26.11.2024 | 07:59
Svaka tehnološka i tehnička inovacija u povijesti, od vatre i kotača pa do AI koja uspješno zamjenjuje mediokritetske copywritere, pisače političarskih govora i sl, može se (is)koristiti, kako u utopijskom, tako i u distopijskom smjeru civilizacijskog razvoja. Mi smo ti koji biramo što ćemo kako koristiti. Stav kojim a priori odbacujemo bilo koju tehnološku ili tehničku inovaciju zato što bi mogla odvesti društvo u lošem smjeru je (žao mi je ako koga uvrijedi, ali) ksenofoban i nazadan. Da su tako razmišljali naši preci, ne bi nikad došli niti do toga da u čoporu love vunastog mamuta i umlate ga toljagama prije nego ga rastrančiraju komadima naoštrenog kremena (jer, naravno, ne bi počeli koristiti toljage i noževe od kremena zato što bi to moglo odvesti društvo u lošem smjeru ).
26.11.2024 | 10:45
Topla preporuka za malog poduzetnika Alti Giri iz Slavonskog Broda! Izrađuje odlične okvire za tablice, a posebno su zanimljivi oni s velcro trakom bez okvira; mnogim autima koji imaju prednje parking senzore smeta okvir tablice, a ovo je rješenje!

26.11.2024 | 14:31
Kojem to autu registarska pločica standardnih EU dimenzija smeta za parking senzore?
26.11.2024 | 14:39
Kaže frend iz Mercedesa da ih je dosta, a ono što ja znam za sigurno su Alfe koje tradicionano imaju tablice sa strane, a talijanske prednje tablice su malene (36 x 11 cm), pa njima ne smeta, a za ostale ih baš briga.
26.11.2024 | 15:29
smayoo kaže:
Kojem to autu registarska pločica standardnih EU dimenzija smeta za parking senzore?

Alfa Romeo Giulia.

Meni na Lotusu treba ovako nešto samoljepljivo za prednju tablicu.
26.11.2024 | 15:46
Ha, dobro... Sad sam, evo, i to naučio...
26.11.2024 | 18:31
dpasaric kaže:
Topla preporuka za malog poduzetnika Alti Giri iz Slavonskog Broda! Izrađuje odlične okvire za tablice, a posebno su zanimljivi oni s velcro trakom bez okvira; mnogim autima koji imaju prednje parking senzore smeta okvir tablice, a ovo je rješenje!

trebalo mi je dosta vremena da skuzim da ovo nije proizvod nego kutija proizvoda hahahah
26.11.2024 | 19:28
I mene okviri znaju nervirati.

U vise navrata sam na autima lijepio reg. tablicu dvoslojnom trakom i nisam imao problema. Nikada nije otpala
27.11.2024 | 11:48
Službeno je potvrđeno da se WRC vraća u HR 2026 i 2027. godine, 2025. ga neće biti ali će se zato održati ERC.
Moderatori: Bertone


Zadnja poruka: pred 1 dan, 17 sati
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  • zoranowsky: Al me ložite :)
  • Yonkis: zoranowsky - kako reče jedan korisnik M1Pro-a: I think the sweet spot is M2 Pro as of right now. I really don't see a reason to get M3 Pro - it has lower memory bandwidth, less P-cores , and it costs more. But if you're on M1 Pro... Just don't upgrade, there is no point.
  • accom: [link]
  • accom: @zoranowsky, u krivu sam
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  • accom: @zoranowsky Za sve DTP programe dosta ti je air:
  • kupus: protonvpn na 3 dolara mjesečno
  • drlovric: [link]
  • drlovric: Jako zanimljiva i pregledna lista korisnih Mac aplikacija.
  • zoranowsky: Znam, u pravu si. Imam thunderbolt 27
  • drlovric: Ako imas vanjski monitor u svakodnevnom radu, uzmi 14". Ja sam pogrijesio sa 16". Ogroman je to laptop :)
  • zoranowsky: Dilema je taj M2Pro ili odriješiti kesu i uzeti M4Pro ali s 14" ekranom (24GB/1TB)
  • zoranowsky: @accom - Affinity, Adobe CC, DaVinci Resolve. Imam trenutno 512GB u 2 MBPro-a tak da sam se navikao.
  • drlovric: Ja imam MBP sa 512 MB, nemam problem sa prostorom. Oko 300GB je puno mozda.
  • accom: @zoranowsky Sve ovisi o tome, što želiš radit s njim.
  • zoranowsky: Nije jedini stroj, to je neka donja granica, za sve ostalo imam externe ssd-e i synology
  • Yonkis: Ne nađoh jeftiniju cijenu (u RH) od toga.. A hoće li ti 512 biti dovoljno?
  • zoranowsky: Zaboravih napisati, trenutno je u HGShopu na akciji
  • zoranowsky: Jel se isplati uzeti MBPro M2pro 16" 16/512 za 2100eur?
  • gladhr2: zna netko neko rjesenje?
  • gladhr2: [link] problem sa bluetoothom i 4. uređajem :D
  • JOHN: Hvala na info
  • Yonkis: Imaš na ali do 28.11 stoga požuri
  • stefanjos: affinity je na 50%
  • JOHN: Ja jučer u CCOne kupio kćeri tenisice. Bile su čitavih 20% na akciji. :) Takva akcija je ustvari neka uobičajena koja se pojavi gotovo svaki mjesec tako da i ovaj put teški bulšit..
  • drlovric: Imal kakvih Black Friday popusta? :) Neko vidio nesto zanimljivo?
  • ^SuperUnknown^: Jel to samo meni potrgan layout Oglasnika? :)
  • smayoo: Nije to baš besplatan način. To sve tako radi kako si opisao, ali windowsi te upozoravaju da nisu aktivirani
  • ping: @VanjusOS ima. Downloadiraj DEMO version parallelsa za M procesrore. To će ti downloadirati windows for arm kao .iso file. Instaliraj UTM virtual machine i windowse koje si skinuo.
  • JOHN: izuzev telekom operatera i sl.
  • JOHN: to je sve ilegala
  • JOHN: Pazite se skime imate aranžamne
  • JOHN: Čini se da više neće biti IPTVa, za đabalesku ili ga više uopće neće biti u ponudi.
  • smayoo: [link]
  • stefanjos: podsjetnik svim dobrim ljudima za iparty :)
  • jmustac: poslano
  • Riba: Javi se meni s detaljima.
  • jmustac: kako obrisati profil na ovom forumu?
  • rusty: @marioart - ovisi o hipervizoru, ali ukratko da. Moguće je dobiti emulaciju x86 na ARM bare metal stroju. UTM hypervisor kojeg osobno koristim nudi u mogućnost. Jasno, to zovu emulacijom, ne virtualizacijom ali eto
  • marioart: @rusty .. moze li se ikako dobiti x86 win kroz virtualizaciju?
  • stefanjos: drlovric. pa odgovaranje poruka na aplikacijama koje namu mac app i ako se puni da ne secem po mob, rijesim preko maca i to je to
  • rusty: Virtualizacija bi bio moj odabir, e sada da li je besplatno ili ne, ovisi o tome kako ćeš tu kopiju licencirati
  • VanjusOS: ima li nekakav besplatni način za imati Windows na Macbook sa M čipovima?
  • drlovric: Za sta ti konkretno mirroring sluzi? Ja mu nisam nasao primjenu :/
  • stefanjos: affinty na popustu 50%. ja sam si uzeo novu licensu. do sada sam bio na v1
  • stefanjos: tako da, meni je to top feature
  • stefanjos: ja imam australski app store i iphone mirroring koristim svaki dan

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