23.09.2024 | 23:31
IgorD kaže:
cariblanco kaže:
Ima li ludi Ruski narod neku prijelomnu točku da se pobuni. Gledao prije dan-dva nekakav protest ispred zgrade vlade, a tamo 15 prosvjednika !!!
Polako, ljudi se u nekim zemljama bune zbog svake sitnice (Francuska) a u drugim zemljama tek kad voda dođe do grla.
A Strategic Shift in Russian Public Sentiment: The War in Ukraine and Its Domestic Impact
> By 2024, the cracks in public support for the war began to show. A poll conducted by the Levada Center in early 2024 revealed that the percentage of Russians firmly supporting the war had dropped significantly—from 77% in early 2023 to 49% by September 2024. This shift is partially attributed to the growing realization that the conflict would not be a quick and decisive victory, as many had hoped.
> The strategic implications of this shift in public opinion are profound. While Putin has thus far managed to suppress domestic dissent, the growing opposition to the war—coupled with the economic hardships and war fatigue—poses a significant threat to his regime. Public sentiment is increasingly at odds with the Kremlin’s narrative, and as discontent grows, the likelihood of widespread protests or even a coup becomes more plausible.
> Moreover, the decline in support for the war complicates Putin’s ability to sustain the conflict militarily. With fewer Russians willing to fight, the Kremlin may be forced to consider alternatives, such as seeking a negotiated settlement or scaling back its military ambitions in Ukraine. This shift could also have implications for Russia’s standing on the global stage, as its military failures and domestic unrest weaken its position in international negotiations.
mislim da tu nema sanse da se nesto narod podigne. u takvim sistemima - rusija i srbija (nazalost), to bez uticaja spolja ne moze. jer ne-demontirani sistemi tajnih sluzbi jos uvek vode glavnu rec, i narod je ili zaplasen ili ucenjen ili potkupljen.
u francuskoj poskupi gorivo 10 eurocenti, to nastaje pobuna, ali tamo tajne sluzbe su ipak pod kontrolom i ne mogu da rade van svojih ovlascenja. ovde (srbija) ako takoreci pomislis nesto protiv AV, to se tretira kao pokusaj atentat i vrlo su ekspeditivni, slicno kao i u rusiji.
dalje, oktobarska revolucija je nastala kao nemacki projekat da se instalira Lenjin i boljsevici da bi se istocni front osigurao i smirio. bez toga, nikad ne bi nastao SSSR.
tako da sam poprilicno pesimistacan u tom smislu da ce narod da se nesto organizuje i ucini nesto protiv vlasti. bice to dugo mrcvarenje. narod ce da trpi, jer je tako navikao.