04.12.2022 | 22:33
If you are running a node locally (and not on an outside server), queries routed through your node to external sources (other search engines, databases & APIs) could be associated with your IP address. If you are trying to minimize your personal footprint with Google and other big tech companies for instance, using Presearch as a searcher is what you want, but running a node is probably not.
Nisam sve citao pa se nadam da sam u krivu, ali meni se cini da oni tu samo routaju searcheve kroz razne nodeove, pogotovo sto jos kazu da ti ne treba velik disk, niti puno RAMa ili jak CPU, samo brz internet.
Presearch nodes with fast internet and low latency connection to the Presearch Gateway are currently prioritized. You do not need much disk space, much memory, or much CPU current to run a node, and running a more powerful server does not currently increase node rewards.