13.11.2009 | 23:28
Djipi je napisao:
Pričam napamet, ali u prvom primjeru je sporna metoda dio klase koja nasljeđuje UIViewController, a u drugom NSObject. Jel' moguće da metoda koristi "nešto" što je defaultno nasljeđeno u UIViewController, a "ne postoji" na vrhu hijerarhije, u NSObjectu?
Tražim što bi moglo biti to "nešto" ali nikako da nađem
Kad u XCode-u stistem desni gumb na tu spornu metodu i kliknem jump to definition dobijem:
@class GWS_LeasingSoapResponse;
@class GWS_LeasingSoapOperation;
@protocol GWS_LeasingSoapResponseDelegate <NSObject>
- (void) operation:(GWS_LeasingSoapOperation *)operation completedWithResponse:(GWS_LeasingSoapResponse *)response;
@interface GWS_LeasingSoapOperation : NSOperation {
GWS_LeasingSoap *binding;
GWS_LeasingSoapResponse *response;
id<GWS_LeasingSoapResponseDelegate> delegate;
NSMutableData *responseData;
NSURLConnection *urlConnection;
@property (retain) GWS_LeasingSoap *binding;
@property (readonly) GWS_LeasingSoapResponse *response;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id<GWS_LeasingSoapResponseDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableData *responseData;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSURLConnection *urlConnection;
- (id)initWithBinding:(GWS_LeasingSoap *)aBinding delegate:(id<GWS_LeasingSoapResponseDelegate>)aDelegate;
@interface GWS_LeasingSoapResponse : NSObject {
NSArray *headers;
NSArray *bodyParts;
NSError *error;
@property (retain) NSArray *headers;
@property (retain) NSArray *bodyParts;
@property (retain) NSError *error;